QR Code Generator

QR Code Generator is a program created to generate a QR code. The program can generate its own QR code based on the user's preferences.
Estimated read time: 2 min

QR Code Generator is a program created to generate a QR code. The program can generate its own QR code based on the user's preferences. The program allows you to create a QR code based on:

  • Text
  • Email
  • VCard
  • Location
  • Calendar
  • SMS
  • WhatsApp
  • Password

The program generates a QR Code based on the data that the user enters on the respective tabs. User can also change the color of the QR code and add logo. After generating a QR Code, user can save it.

QR Code Generator
QR Code Generator
QR Code Generator

Also, QR Code Generator allows you to read a QR code from an image or using a camera. After reading the QR code, the data will be presented in the corresponding tab. To read the QR Code data, you must have a photo of the QR Code or use a camera. After bringing the QR Code to the camera, the program reads the data. If you have several cameras, select the appropriate one from the list and click the Read button. To read the QR Code data, you must have a photo of the QR Code or use a camera. After bringing the QR Code to the camera, the program reads the data. If you have several cameras, select the appropriate one from the list and click the Read button.

More about the application
QR Code Generator v0.1.0.zip 200kb

About the Author

I have experience in developing and creating control and automation systems, security systems, internal corporate systems, creating and managing databases, designing IoT and creating programs for managing and monitoring processes.

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