SecureText App

SecureText is a program for encrypting and decrypting text.
Estimated read time: 2 min

SecureText is a program designed to protect text from unauthorized access. The program can protect any text with several encryption and decryption algorithms. Also, the user can combine several algorithms to get the best result. The high degree of text protection allows the user to send it to third parties without fear for confidentiality.

SecureText App

To use the SecureText application you need to enter a password that will be used to encrypt and decrypt the text. After that, the user just needs to write the desired text and press the appropriate button (Encrypt or Decrypt.

After the procedure is completed, the program will inform the user about the successful completion of the operation.

The SecureText contains the following encryption and decryption algorithms:

  • Triple DES algorithm.
  • Binary triple DES algorithm (First, the text is converted into binary code, which is subsequently encrypted using Triple DES algorithm).
  • Extended triple DES algorithm (The text is encrypted using the Triple DES algorithm 3 times).
  • ROT13 algorithm.
  • Binary algorithm (Text is converted to binary).

After the program creates the ciphertext, the user will be able to transfer it to third parties. They must use the same program to decrypt the text, entering the password you used to encrypt the text and the decryption algorithm. After that, the program will decrypt the ciphertext and the user will receive the original text. After the program creates the ciphertext, the user will be able to transfer it to third parties. They must use the same program to decrypt the text, entering the password you used to encrypt the text and the decryption algorithm. After that, the program will decrypt the ciphertext and the user will receive the original text.

Also, to ensure the greatest security of the text, the user can use several encryption algorithms using different passwords. In this case, the user who will decrypt the text must select the decryption algorithms in reverse order and enter the passwords corresponding to the encryption algorithms.

More about the application
SecureText 144kb

About the Author

I have experience in developing and creating control and automation systems, security systems, internal corporate systems, creating and managing databases, designing IoT and creating programs for managing and monitoring processes.

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